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Antonio Sbrana

Antonio Sbrana was born in 1934, lives and works mostly in Tuscany. Graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts, he becomes also Historic of Art, and co-founder of the Tuscany Group Art G.Macchi, and is part of the Tiberina Academy in Rome and of the Fiorino Academy of Florence. He has made a long training as is possible to see from his technique and from the use of color in the shades passages, or the confidence in the space constructions. During his career he takes part to several exhibitions also personal’s in the most important italian cities, acchiving rewards and success. The most important subject for Sbrana is, with no dubt, the tuscan countryside, where he lives and works.
He builds his figures thrugh the use of a well-done drawing (taken from the Fattori’s tradition) and through the combination of natural and balanced color shades. The main subjects are: landscapes, seascapes, still lives, described with attention to details.
Starting from the vision of the natural element, he creates landscapes and atmospheres that have an evocative feature, they are places that transmit peace and tranquillity, and that seem almost suspended but always full of expressive strenght. Is possible to notice how the tuscan tradition of Macchiaioli’s art has been so important in Sbrana’s works, expecially when you see the brush strokes; nevertheless he develops an indipendent and recognizable artistic path. Nature remains the first source of inspiration during all his career. He researches a continuos dialogue between this nature and his soul. Sbrana is capable to capture the light changings, the inner poetry of the nature around him, in a way that only a true tuscan painter can do.