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Active since the early 1970s, Matteo Guarnaccia was a cultural agit-prop artist of the alternative scene. Guarnaccia founded the psychedelic magazine 'Insekten Sekte' in Amsterdam in 1969, which was one of the best expressions of hippie culture. With his unmistakable graphic line, he collaborated with various counter-cultural publications of the period, from the American 'Berkeley Barb' to the Italian 'Fallo!'.
In the 1980s, he became interested in shamanism and traditional cultures, interests that led him to travel to Japan, the United States, South America and Australia. During his long career, he has exhibited in various countries such as Italy, the United States, Japan, the Netherlands, Germany, Spain and Switzerland, also showing in important institutions such as the Triennale of Milan.
The artworks by Matteo Guarnaccia are an interweaving of echoes coming simultaneously from archaic cultures, modern techniques of psychic analysis, and scientific research on the activities of the mind, all appropriately mixed with robust doses of irony.
Guarnaccia has skilfully blended different cultural traditions into a single sign, with a style that remains extremely elastic and magically visionary to this day. The artist has been active in various fields, including design, journalism and fashion. A costume historian and art critic, he has published more than thirty essays on the historical avant-garde and antagonistic creative movements.
"Amusing and philosophical, he has achieved the greatest possible expressive ability in rendering psychedelic fantasies in images" - Albert Hofmann
In 2017, in order to recount the psychedelic philosophy that has come to our society, Guarnaccia Matteopublished a book that traces the places of the revolution, without neglecting the legacy that this aesthetic has had in contemporary digital culture. In the book by Matteo Guarnaccia, Il Grande Libro della Psichedelia (The Big Book of Psychedelia), a literary and visual journey is recounted, covering Mexico in the words of the playwright Antonin Artaud, the Berlin of the German theologian Ludwig Weimer, the films of Federico Fellini and Stanley Kubrick, along with other important figures.
If you are interested in the artist, you can find the artworks by Matteo Guarnaccia for sale online on our website. The works are hand-signed by the artist and provided with certificate of authenticity.
If you are interested in knowing Matteo Guarnaccia's prices, value or which works will be on display at the Deodato Arte Contemporary Art Gallery, do not hesitate to contact us by sending an e-mail to [email protected].