Luci e Colori Pop: Il Festival dell'Arte di Massa

Luci e Colori Pop: Il Festival dell'Arte di Massa

Deodato Arte Gallery is pleased to announce its collaboration with the City of Massa for the realization of the first edition of the festival "Luci e Colori Pop: Il Festival dell’Arte di Massa."

Scheduled from July 20 to August 18, 2024, the municipality of Massa will set the stage for a wide and lively program including art exhibitions, live shows with contemporary artists and dialogues between prominent personalities to talk about Street Art, Digital Art and Artificial Intelligence, as well as Art Collecting.

Thanks to the Festival, the city center will be a cultural and artistic hub, with art installations all the way to the beautiful Villa Cuturi, which will host a selection of artworks by Marco Lodola and Mr. Savethewall

Evenings Program

There are four events - each Saturday starting July 20-that will present the public with important dialogues, moderated by journalist Clelia Patella, with Street Artists, Curators and Experts.

  • July 20: Festival Inauguration with Giuseppe Pizzuto, an international Street Art expert, in dialogue with an artist; 
  • July 27: Live Show with Post Street Art artist Mr. Savethewall. A moment that combines the creation of a live urban artwork and its narration;
  • Aug. 3: Evening dedicated to Digital Art starting with a journey into the first digital project made by the great artist Andy Warhol thanks to the narration of the expert and computer scientist Carlo Santagostino, followed by a dialogue with Rebecca Pedrazzi, Art Historian, Curator and expert in AI Art, together with Valeria Giusti, Head of the MuSA Virtual Museum of Sculpture and Architecture in Pietrasanta; 
  • Aug. 10: Gallery owner Deodato Salafia presents his book on collecting "Contemporary Art How To: Your First Five Works of Art" with a special guest.

Massa City of Art

On the occasion of "Luci e Colori Pop: Il Festival dell’Arte di Massa," the iconic light sculptures of Marco Lodola, a landmark of Italian contemporary art, will be displayed in the most important points of Massa, making it a city of art. 

In addition, the historic Villa Cuturi, becomes the venue for the exhibition that puts Pop Art and Street Art in dialogue thanks to the presence of works by Marco Lodola and Mr. Savethewall.

The Artists

The first edition of "Luci e Colori Pop: il Festival dell’Arte di Massa” is organized in collaboration with Deodato Arte, a gallery of international significance specializing in Pop and Street Art, which will present two of the gallery's artists at the festival.

Marco Lodola and light sculptures

Marco Lodola, born in Dorno in 1955, is a landmark of Italian contemporary art. After studying at the Accademia of Fine Arts in Florence and Milan, Lodola began his career in the 1970s with works inspired by the world of music. 

In the 1980s, he established himself as a key figure of New Futurism, participating in numerous exhibitions in Italy and in cities such as Beijing, Hong Kong, Singapore and New York. Lodola's works, known for their bright colors and vibrancy, range from circus and music characters to mass media icons.

The irony in Mr.Savethewall’s artworks

Pierpaolo Perretta, known as Mr. Savethewall, is an Italian artist originally from Como. In his works Mr. Savethewall makes use of languages from street art and communication, as well as the latest trends in contemporary art.

In Mr. Savethewall's artworks one can clearly perceive an interpretation of today's society in an ironic and critical key. Indeed, his works present strong, direct and focused messages.

 Luci e Colori Pop: Il Festival dell'Arte di Massa