Only for the month of March, with a minimum purchase of 300 euros, either in-store or online, you will receive as a gift the prestigious 2025 Historical Calendar of the Carabinieri, created by the artist Marco Lodola!
Buy the customized evaluation service that allows you to know the value of your artwork.
Do you want to know if that old painting in your grandma’s diner room is a piece of art of value? Did you buy an artwork and now you want to know its current market price? You would like to sell your artwork but you don’t know what price suggest?
Follow very carefully our terms and conditions and you could finally find out what’s the worth of your painting. The evaluation we provide is a report showing the most recent auction results: the average of these results corresponds to the approximate market value of your work.
To access the service it's important to follow this recommendations:
You have to know the name of the artist: that’s the first thing we will ask you.
The artist has to be well known: since our researches are based on auction results, it’s essential that the artist of your artwork is well known in the international and national artistic scene. Only in this way there will be enough auction results to do your evaluation.
Technique and dimensions: in addition to knowing the artist, it’s essential to declare what’s the techinque used (oil on canvas, watercolor on paper…) and the dimensions of the artwork (without the frame).
More information: having a photo and the year of creation is often very usefull in order to have a more precise evaluation.
Our evaluation supposes that your artwork is authentic. We don’t make artistic appraisals, so we can’t help you to find out if your artwork is authentic, neither its author, nor the technique.
A picture of the artwork, not necessarily in high resolution.
It's will be considered only the requests with all the information we need.
Once we have all these information we examine your request within 3 working days; then we will send you a report in wich there will be explained your artwork’s evaluation.
If you don’t know the artist nor the technique of the artwork, we can’t help you! This means that before buying our service is better make sure to have all the information we need about the artwork, and remember, only well known artists can be evaluated!